Although Hitler was the common target of the Basterds and Shosanna, Hans Landa is the main villain of Inglourious Basterds, and when it seemed like he had won, Aldo Raine had a final surprise up his sleeve and left him with a souvenir he would never be able to get rid of.Here is a shot at the decorations of SS-Standartenführer Hans Landa. En Japon Konami Canceló contrato con Griezmann por video racista En CaracolTV contrata a una racista y xenófoba que comparó a la Vicepresidenta con un gorila Marbelle30 Que pena damos. El coronel Hans Landa es un personaje ficticio, interpretado por Christoph Waltz y creado por Quentin Tarantino para la película Inglourious Basterds, de la cual es el antagonista principal.

The film starts when Hans Landa, a Nazi coronel, kills Shoshanas family.

One is the story of a group known as the “Basterds”, led by Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt), and the other is that of Shosanna Dreyfus/Emmanuelle Mimieux’s (Mélanie Laurent), a Jewish cinema owner whose family was killed by SS officer Hans Landa (Christoph Waltz) and is now ready for revenge. En Estados Unidos, grandes marcas cancelaron todos los contratos con Kanye por Xenófobo. Inglourious Basterds is a film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. Inglourious Basterds follows two stories with a common goal: kill as many nazis as possible, including Hitler. Hans has never been outdone in his entire life, but may have finally met his match in the single-minded and dangerous Basterds. Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds introduced the audience to one of the most memorable and scariest villains in movie history: Hans Landa, but what happened to him after the movie's end? Quentin Tarantino has explored different genres in his career as a filmmaker, and two of his most popular movies explored alternate history: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood with the Manson murders of the 1960s, and Inglourious Basterds with World War II. Undaunted by their reputation, Hans pieces together the Basterds’ scheme to end the war by eradicating the leadership of the Nazi party. Listen to CORONEL HANS LANDA in unlimited on Qobuz and buy the albums in Hi-Res 24-Bit for an unequalled sound quality.